UnRen Tool for Window, Mac and Linux


UnRenTool for Window

Link Download: UnRen-1.0.11d.zip


1. Download the latest UnRen-<version number>.zip from this page and unzip to obtain the corresponding .bat file.
2. Copy UnRen-<version number>.bat to either the game’s root directory (i.e., where the game’s .exe is located) or its “game/” subdirectory
3. Double click on UnRen-<version number>.bat to execute
4. Select the option you require

Both RPA and RPYC files will be extracted/decompiled to the same path as the original files.

Known Issues:

  • Having non-ASCII characters in your folder path may cause issues
    • Exclamation points in paths will need to be replaced, as they are currently not supported
  • XP and Vista users might need this PowerShell update from Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968929

UnRen Ultrahack+GUI

Known Issues:

– Having parentheses and some other special characters in your folder path may cause issues.

Attention. The name of the tool indicates the minimum version of RenPy required for working. The version can be found in the file “game/script_version.txt”





UnRen for MacOS and Linux v0.8.2

Link Download: UnRen_v0.8.2.zip

UnRen is a script that makes it easy to do interesting things to Ren’Py games. UnRen.command is a bash shell script that calls python commands to do some of the work.

Python must be installed. Get it from http://www.python.org if you don’t have it. This has been tested with python 2.7.10 on MacOS 10.12.6. It does not work with Python 3.x (will error out if it can’t find Python 2.x), and should work on Linux (or other Unix variants).

UnRen will look for the game directory in <app>/Contents/Resources/autorun (the Mac location). If that doesn’t exist, it will look for the game directory in <app> (the Linux/Windows location). As such, it should work on Mac and Linux/Windows versions of Ren’Py apps.

rpatool.py and unrpyc.py are included in this script, base64 encoded. decompiler, a module needed by unrpyc, is also included as a base64 tar file. The 3 items are extracted into /tmp, and are cleaned up when you quit the script.


  • Extract RPA packages, using rpatool.
  • Decompile rpyc files, using unrpyc.
  • Enable Console and Developer Menu
  • Enable Quick Save and Quick Load
  • Force enable skipping of unseen content
  • Force enable rollback (scroll wheel)
  • Open game directory


Download and unzip the script. Place it where you like. There are 2 ways to run it:

  • Double click on UnRen.command. This will open a Terminal window that will allow you to drag (or type the path to) the app you want to work on.
  • Run UnRen.command from the command line. You can provide the path to the app on the command line, or type it in when UnRen asks for it.
  • UnRen runs in bash. Other shells may or may not work. Do NOT run UnRen with “sh UnRen.command” if your sh is not bash. Instead, if you run it from the command line, run it with a full path, or “./UnRen.command”.